viernes, 22 de junio de 2012


Most of the time, we hear in the news about fights, wars and death in our country or between other ones. There are a lot of these news and we can see and hear them on the television, radio, even on the internet. Every single day we have been hearing about them that when we listen to new bad news, we just do not care due to we have already accustomed to hear those kinds of things. We   have to realize that is not normal, that is why Lin Evola has created the Peace Angel’s Project to promote peace in the world.

Lin Evola founded Peace Angel’s Project. Her intention is to reduce the levels of violence in our world by melting down weapons donated by many countries. This project mainly seeks to promote peace between the countries by placing beautiful angel’s sculptures in the most visible places of the cities around the world, in order to make a positive impact in people and can feel a desire to create a better world to manifest peace ever day in our life.

In the last two years in The United States, the Weapon Metal Recycling ha destroyed about 10.000 weapons in order to build the New York and California peace angels. The New York Police Department has already received 1.000 weapons but still asking for more weapons to be donated and destroyed to complete the New York peace angel which represent protection from terrorism.

Her goal is that when we see one sculpture it reminds us the fact that we have to work together for peace. That is why, is very important to place peace angels in public spaces around the world as possible. And we can realize that we need to do something to avoid the gangs in neighborhoods and the free trade of weapons of mass destruction.

By Edilma Cotapo


Since Rafael Corre has been President of Ecuador, there have been many changes in the country, across all ministries. This is the case of the Ministry of Environment, in which agreements and proposals are being created to protect natural resources and to have respect for cultural diversity, biodiversity and natural regeneration of the ecosystems of our country

Yasuni - ITT is a very good President´s proposal for those petroleum resources are not exploited, because this way we have unexploded reserves in the Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon. And thanks to this the International Community will contribute funds to develop renewable sources of energy, maintaining ecosystems and protected areas, reforestation of previously damaged areas, promote social development and employment.

Also The Minister Marcela Aguinaga, June 21, 2012 in Rio de Janeiro United Nations Conference signed an agreement with Korea to support forest management, forest rehabilitation and discuss solutions to environmental problems. That's why this committee will be formed by members of both countries, meeting once every two years. The agreement runs for five years with automatic renewal for two years more.

Hopefully The President with all his team continue doing good things that benefit our country and The Ministry of Environment continue signing agreements to be carried out and benefit to our nature, natural resources, oil and minerals to live in a sovereign country which defends the life of nature.

By Alexia Cedeño


A Russian Company which bet for the personal robots have created a fund of investments of 25 millions of dollars that plan spending in the development of the projects of this nature. The funds will be shared among the companies that want to sell their projects of robotic in the market. According Grishin´s opinion and the utility of his creation, let´s see the benefits that they want to offer us.

First, the Company Grishin Robotics will invest in projects that are already working and those creators who are interested in sell their product to the market “We are at the beginning of the period of transformation in the Robotic Field,” affirmed Dmitri Grishin, the owner of the company. According to the businessman, in almost 10 or 20 years after, the robots will be an essential part of daily life of each person.

Second, Grishin is interested in projects which they can manage our daily necessities, the robots will help us in many ways in the future life. For example the  house cleaning, the transport, we will mobilize on robotic cars without  necessity to drive, the entertainment until medic service can be realized by robots, also to be attended by robot waiters in restaurants, so we won´t be worried about that kind of things.
In conclusion, Grishin expects to find among 10 or 20 companies that are working with the purpose to create these interested projects and invests near of 500.000 dollars in each company. In addition, the future of the humanity will be easier and technological, the new visitors will facilitate us in different ways, and we will wait for this amazing creation.
By Cristina Coronel.

Lately around the world have been sudden changes in climate and shocking events that have made reflect the countries around the world on environmental pollution. Green building is becoming so prevalent these days that it may not be enough to erect individual eco buildings anymore - the latest trend is  eco-cities. Thus countries like United Arab Emirates (UAE) and China, have begun to build these cities, having a very extensive system of clean technology, relying entirely on renewable energy sources, and be free of cars, skyscrapers and waste

The great city "Masdar" is being built by Abu Dhabi National Energy Company Global Energy UAE and is being designed with technology very natural but surprising as the hot desert sun as main energy source, electric vehicles allowed within the walls, and other modes of transport include Personal Rapid Transit system, or powered driverless podcars solar electricity. In this way it is being generated without conventional vehicles, the air quality in city will be excellent. If all goes as planned Masdar would be completed within 5-10 years and promises to become the Silicon Valley of renewable energy, providing a global center for research and development sustainable technology.

In addition to UAE, China is following in its footsteps with the creation of “Tianjin”, which is being designed by the Surbana Urban Planning Group, its technology will have natural and unique designs as a light rail transit system advanced and diverse landscape ecosystems ranging from a sun-powered Solarscape to a greenery-clad Earthscape to enjoy. Tianjin is an area of ​​30 square kilometers is being designed to be a model of the new green technology to other cities in China and is expected to be completed in 2020.

As a conclusion it was a great idea for these countries to create such cities and especially concerned about the damage we are causing to the environment. It's time we all reflect on the importance of caring for the earth and Eco-cities is a great alternative to other countries to put into practice. This trend will expand throughout the world because it uses very natural resources are safe to planet.

By Alexia Cedeño

miércoles, 20 de junio de 2012


Ecuador receives almost 56.000 refugees, It keep a study of 21.000 requests of shelters and it receives an average of 1.300 requests of protection each month. The Colombian people constitute the most population of refugges of Latin America, it confirmed   ACNUR. The actress Angelina Jolie visited to dozens of Colombian refugees in the frontier zone between Ecuador and Colombia, for three reasons: her new charge, her functions in Ecuador and her visits around the world including Ecuador.
First reason, The actress was designated the special envoy of  High Commissioner of the  United Nations for the refugees on 17° April of 2012. Angelina Jolie was ambassador of the Good Will for the Agency of the United Nations for the refugees (ACNUR) for almost a decade performing her functions with responsibility and interest.

Second reason, Jolie realized a visit of two days to the refugees in Urban and Rural zones of the province of Sucumbíos, place where receives hundreds of Colombian who run away from the armed violence in their country. The agency said that Angelina Jolie visited places like  San Valentín of Agrio Lake, where most of 60% live in a extreme poverty, also other two communities near to river San Miguel which border with Colombia.

Third reason, during her last charge as ambassador of the Good Will (ACNUR), Jolie performed more than 40 visits  to zones of refugees around the world, Angelina Jolie has been in the zone of Ecuador in two occasions, in 2002 and 2010, with the purpose to visit communities of Colombian refugees. At the end of her visit in Ecuador Jolie met with the chancellor Ricardo Patiño in private.
In conclusion, Angelina Jolie continues visiting places in the world where the poverty or the violence force to hundreds of people escapes from their countries and to find a shelter in another where they can live better. Ecuador is one of the countries that protect a lot of Colombian people in shelters until the situation of that country get better.

By Cristina Coronel.


In 2008 Republic of Ecuador approved the new Constitution which mentions in twenty one articles the benefits for people who suffer any kind of disability physical or psychological and the responsibility of the state to help them. With this new law the Vice Presidency   of the Republic made an agreement with most of the Government Institutions to work together in order to develop Misión Solidaria Manuela Espejo. This program mainly looks for to help disabled people who do not have enough resources to improve their health and lifestyle in our country.

The goal of this program is that groups of four composed by Cuban and Ecuadorian doctors, military and community guides travel around the country in order to make  medical and social analysis and verify documents for later give medical care to people that have been marginalized for years without any help.

This help consist in the delivery of certain things like wheelchairs, sticks, mattresses and visual kits which will contribute to the improvement of health and the lifestyle that those people have been having in most of the cases during their whole life.

Many Government Institutions are supporting this aid. Each of these institutions develop different activities. For example, the Ministry of Health is going to give medical care for every beneficiary of the Misión Manuela Espejo. Moreover the Ministry of Housing is going to build houses in critical conditions. And the Ministry of Education will promote the literacy and training for disabled people.

In conclusion this initiative that was started on July 2009 by the Vice Presidency of the Republic has been very successful. This program has located 294.611 people that suffer some sort of disability, People that have already received medical care and technical support. Now the can live in a better way and enjoy all the benefits that offer the Vice Presidency.

By Edilma Cotapo